Crossref LIVE Chinese网络研讨会——Crossref简介

诚邀您参加我们即将举行的 "Crossref简介"中文网络研讨会。该网络研讨会将于2021年10月14日(星期四)北京时间16:00举行。


施普林格·自然旗下Atlantis Press图书部门编辑总监、Crossref大使党冉女士将与万方数据的郭晓峰女士携手介绍Crossref的概况,主要包括:

  • Crossref的简要历史
  • 我们的会员
  • 数字对象唯一标识符(DOI)和元数据的重要性
  • 加入Crossref的好处
  • 如何加入并开始工作






Please join us for the upcoming ‘Introduction to Crossref’ webinar – in Chinese. The webinar will be held on Thursday 14 October at 16.00 China (UTC+8).

Ran Dang, Editorial Director of Atlantis Press Books, Springer Nature and Crossref Ambassador, together with Guo Xiaofeng of WanFang Data, will provide an overview of Crossref including:

  • A brief history of Crossref
  • Our membership
  • Persistent identifiers (DOI) and the importance of metadata
  • The benefits of joining Crossref
  • How to join and get started

This webinar is relevant for new members, publishers, researchers, librarians, editors, and anyone who would like to know more about how to work with Crossref.

The webinar will be presented in Chinese and will last 60 minute including time for questions. We will record the webinar and the slides and recording will be shared afterwards. Attendance is free of charge.

Register here.

Feel free to ask any questions or leave any comments prior to the event here.

We hope to see you there!

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感谢您参加我们于10月14日(星期四)16:00(UTC+8)在中国举行的 “Crossref中文直播:Crossref简介”。



Thank you to all those who attended our ‘Crossref LIVE Chinese: An Introduction to Crossref’ on Thursday 14 October at 16.00 China (UTC+8).

We hope you enjoyed the webinar, the slides and recording are now available for viewing at the links below.

Kind regards,


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