How to check if submitted DOIs are active--and fix them when they are not

I have once again uploaded our proceedings metadata but searches for the associated DOIs are failing. I received the email indicating a successful upload but when I try to resolve one of the DOIs, it fails. I cannot recall (I do this only once a year) any previous activation required so what else could be holding up the registration of my DOIs?
Computing in Cardiology

Hi @rsmacleod ,

Thanks for your message, and welcome to the Community Forum.

Can you provide me with a couple of DOIs, so I can investigate?

There are some lags in our system after you submit your DOIs to us. We process everything asynchronously from when it is submitted to us, so it may take some time from when you deposit metadata before that DOI is registered with us. Also, it takes us time to index the metadata that you register with us (it can take up to 24 hours for a newly registered DOI to appear in and our APIs).

Now, you can tell that a DOI is active and has been registered if you resolve the DOI and the DOI resolves to the landing page in question, like this example:

But, if you attempt to resolve a DOI that has not yet been registered, it will resolve to a DOI NOT FOUND error on, like this example:

If you can provide me with a couple example DOIs, Iā€™d be happy to take a look at what is going on with them.

My best,

Hi Isaac,

I got some help from Crossref and the problem was that I was uploading to what has now become the test server, so the DOIā€™s never got registered in the first place. I understand the idea of a test server but it would be helpful if its limited function were more apparentā€“to the user, it looks identical to the production server, just has a different URL to login. I got all the usual signs from the test server, the same interface, same ability to check the queue, same email reporting success. Very misleadingā€¦


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Thanks for confirming, Rob. I see that @kluschek took good care of you. Thanks, Kathleen!

Thanks for the feedback on the test admin tool - Iā€™ve shared that with our product team.

Warm regards,