Plug-in reference linking OJS 3

I start to work an OJS 3 to my journal BSPM. The PKP launch the plug-in, and I don´t test. I see at the PKP forum with the deposit the references <unstructured_citation>.
I need to plan the work for my journal. Does anyone have experience to share?

eg. BSPM article.

Hi @edamasio. If you are on the current version of OJS (3.1.2), this documentation that PKP recently released is very helpful:

Hi @ifarley . Yes (OJS I will check the PKP manual and test. Thank you.

Hi @edamasio, if you have any follow-up questions that weren’t covered by the documentation, please let me know.

Mike Nason
Scholarly Communications Librarian
PKP | UNB Libraries

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Thank you @mnason! And, welcome to the Crossref community forum!

It is overdue! Tap me in if you need me @ifarley.

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The plugin works for OJS versions 3.1.2. Please find information on how to enable and use below.
Step (Enable):

  1. Enable the plugin (Settings / Website / Plugins) Crossref Reference Linking
  2. In (Settings / Workflow / Submission) Leave references enabled
  3. Leave enabled automatic deposit DOIs in the DOIs Crossref export plugin settings.

Step (Use):

  1. If your journal already has references that appear on the article’s page, they will stay there
  2. In the article’s metadata there will be a tab (References), Click on it.
  3. In the references field, copy and paste the listing in TXT or DOC. Do not copy from the PDF, leave one per line.
  4. You will have 2 buttons, extract references and another Crossref (click on extract to Crossref).
  5. The listings of references in the OJS will be below the main page of the article.

References should be deposited automatically with Crossref. They will be deposited in an unstructured format.

You will receive an e-mail from Crossref with the information that references have been deposited.

You can also check in the Crossref administration tool if the deposit of references has been made.

More information and documentation at:

Translation Portuguese.

O plugin funciona para as versões 3.1.2 do OJS. Estão as informações de como habilitar e utilizar abaixo.
Passo (Habilitar):

  1. Habilitar o plugin (Configurações/Website/Plugins) Crossref Reference Linking
  2. Em (Configurações/Fluxo de trabalho/Submissão) Deixar habilitado referencias
  3. Deixar habilitado depósito automático DOIs nas configurações do plugin de DOIs Crossref exportação.

Passo (Utilizar):

  1. Se sua revista já tem referências que aparecem na página do artigo, elas ficarão lá
  2. Nos metadados do artigo terá uma aba (Referências), Clicar nela.
  3. No campo referências, copiar e colar a listagem em TXT ou DOC. Não copiar do PDF, deixar uma por linha.
  4. Terá 2 botões, extrair referências e outro Crossref (clicar no extrair para Crossref).
  5. As listagens de referências no OJS ficarão abaixo da página principal do artigo.

As referências deverão ser depositadas automaticamente junto ao Crossref. Serão depositadas em formato não estruturado.

Você receberá um e-mail do Crossref com a informação que foi depositado referencias.

Também pode verificar na ferramenta de administração do Crossref se foram realizadas o depósito de referências.

Mais informações e documentação em:

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Thank you @edamasio!

Thanks @mnason and PKP and Crossref

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Hello Edamasio,
the plugin CrossRef Reference Linking does not exist for ojs 3.1xxx, it appears to be available on for version 3.2.
It is a great shame… I am in the process of improving our references depositing and I am struggling to find the best way.

Hi @Luciasteele. An alternative solution for adding references to your metadata for existing DOIs is our Simple Text Query form. Full instructions are available here:

The Simple Text Query form allows you to add references to a DOI that you have already registered with Crossref. Please note that this method will overwrite any references previously deposited for the content item.

  1. Start at Simple Text Query
  2. Enter your references into the form. Don’t check List all possible DOIs per reference. Click submit
  3. Select the Deposit button and complete the fields
  • your email address - this is used to send you a submission log after your reference deposit has been processed
  • the parent DOI is the DOI of the content item for which you are adding references. It must already be registered with Crossref
  • your Crossref username and password
  1. Click Deposit again.

Dear @Luciasteele,

The plugin according to the documentation and version is available for OJS version 3.1.2 …

For version 3.2, plugin updates for DOIs and export XML are available.

I suggest you request support for PKP.

While you are not using it, you can use Simple Text Query or Metadata Manager to deposit references.

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Thanks Edamasio, you are correct. This was also confirmed from OJS. However, the plugin should be available and working for OJS 3.2. Fingers crossed!